Snowboard Maintenance TLDRYou don’t want extra wax. Ideally you shouldn’t be able to scrape it of with your fingernail; that is too much. When you iron the wax; it…Dec 25, 2021Dec 25, 2021
Fixing Broken Fishing Rod TipSometimes your rod tip breaks and you don’t feel like buying another. Here is what it looked like when I was out and about and wanted to…Nov 10, 2018Nov 10, 2018
Debugging Node.js React App With WebstormAt some point when messing with my environment when I went to debug with Webstorm I was getting this error:Apr 4, 2018Apr 4, 2018
Freestanding Aquarium Float Sensor InstructableCreated a new Instructable for an adjustable freestanding aquarium float sensor build using acrylic. (The purpose was to let me know if the…Dec 24, 2017Dec 24, 2017
Close an Electron App via the ClientIf you are “server side”, then you can require/import your electron “app” and close it easily. From the client though, React JS in my case…Jul 4, 2017Jul 4, 2017